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Spiritual Science Indianapolis

Our Purpose

To awaken humanity to its spiritual magnificence.

To continually expand our understanding of our relationship with God.

Our Mission

To share the Science Of Mind philosophy with others through education and living the principles of the teaching. 

Our Vision

Spiritual Science Indianapolis is an organization that was founded in 2011 based on the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes and his 1926 book, "The Science of Mind". 


After spending years studying the many religions of the world, Dr. Holmes concluded that the differences in each religion were outweighed by the similarities.


Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. We believe that our universe is made up of energy (God) that cannot be destroyed and is infinitely intelligent. These beliefs are now being proven daily by quantum physicists. And, as with any scientific experiment, any person can practice the Science of Mind principles and measure the results.


We are not "New Age". Our teaching is based on ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions.


We are not related to Scientology. We teach that an individual is responsible for his/her own life and challenge people to practice the many empowering techniques available, to think for themselves and to build their own true connection to the One Life Source.

What Is Science of Mind?
Dr. Ernest Holmes, Founder

"The Science of Mind is built on the theory that there is One Infinite Mind which of necessity includes all that is, whether it be the intelligence in human, the life in animal, or the invisible Presence which is God.  In it we learn to have a spiritual sense of things.  

The Science of Mind is intensely practical because it teaches us how to use the Mind Principle for definite purposes."

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